Can you believe it? Me, one of the world’s greatest cornbread bakers, actually burned the cornbread? I can stir up a pan of cornbread with my eyes blindfolded and my hands tied behind my back. I can whip up cornbread in my sleep … without a recipe. In any family dinner or social gathering with friends, I am always the one asked to bring my “mouth watering” cornbread. I readily agree because it is so easy and convenient for me. Usually I wait until the last minute to mix it up, so that the aroma will fill the house, the outside will be crusty, and the inside will be soft and moist.
I didn’t simply have one catastrophe, I had two. It’s still hard to believe that I made such a mess. Following my usual pattern, I chose to wait until the last minute to stir the batter together and pop it into the oven. While I was assembling all the ingredients, I decided to return some of my phone calls. I wanted to make wise use of all my time. Before I knew it, the phone calls were returned and the cornbread was baking in the oven.
Satisfied that everything was in order, I retreated to my desk to finish an article that I was working one. Imagine my surprise when I peaked at the cornbread and noticed that it was flat as a pancake! I immediately decided that there was something wrong with my oven. Perhaps the heating element had broken. It never occurred to me that something might be wrong with the cornbread until I touched the heating coil and discovered that it was indeed working perfectly!
I looked at the ruined cornbread and at the clock at the same time. What was I going to do? Not only was my reputation was at stake, if I didn’t figure something out quickly, we wouldn’t have bread to accompany our meal. I couldn’t think of a bakery or store open that I could rush into and buy some cornbread. As I frantically searched my brain for a solution, I decided that if I hurried, I just had enough time to start over and make another recipe of cornbread.
Paying close attention to the ingredients, I carefully measured each item as I mixed them together, mentally checking them off as I added them. I cleaned the pan, pitched the original recipe into the trash, and gently placed the second muffin pan of cornbread into the oven. I took a deep breath, glanced at my watch, and decided to take a minute to pick up the house before our guests arrived.
As I busily dusted the end tables, I noticed an unpleasant odor coming from the kitchen. To my horror, it was the cornbread burning! Pulling the pan from the oven, I simply could not believe my eyes. The edges were not beautiful golden brown. They were ugly, appalling black. Now what was I going to do? I was out of time and out of ingredients. With a heart full of shock and disappointment, I quickly grabbed the potato peeler and tried to “peel” the muffins. When that didn’t work, I tried the cheese grater. Finally, I discovered a sharp knife was the best tool to scrape off the burned places.
With a humble heart and an embarrassed face, I hesitantly placed the cornbread on the table. As the evening progressed, not one person said a word about the cornbread. The usual accolades and applause were sadly missing. At the end of the meal as I threw the unaccustomed leftover cornbread away, the Lord seemed to speak to my heart. What had this cocky cook learned? I needed to take nothing for granted. No matter how accomplished I was at anything or how many times I preformed a task, I was nothing without God leading and guiding me.
But He didn’t stop there. He dug deeper. He revealed to me that hidden down in the recesses of my heart was the root of pride. I was proud of my ability to bake delicious cornbread. And I thought I was so good at it that I could do it all by myself. That’s when the Lord decided to teach me that I could do nothing on my own. I was nothing without Him. He gently reminded me that pride is one of the sins He hates.
With tears in my eyes and a broken heart I remembered that Satan’s sin was one of pride. He wanted to exalt himself above God. He decided that he did not need God, that he could do things by himself. As these thoughts pierced my heart, I realized that I was guilty of the same sin that caused Satan to be cast out of heaven. As I fell to my knees, I begged God to cleanse me from my prideful independent self. I acknowledged that I was a small, insignificant, puny individual that sincerely needed Him in every area of my life … including baking cornbread. I asked Him to change me and to keep me focused on Him. I asked Him to help me to stay yielded to Him, sincerely seeking to please Him. After all, nothing else really matters.
I wonder if you might need to fall on your knees beside me and confess that you’ve been trying to control your own life? Are there areas in your daily routine where pride has slipped in and now subtly dominates? The enemy would love for you to continue to allow pride and independence to govern your life. Don’t allow him to continue to curb your dependence and submission to God. Right now determine to make some changes in your life. Choose to forsake your attitude of independence and ask the Lord to help you become abandoned to Him. The joy that you will receive will be a million times better than any applause of man!
For Further thought:
The Issue of Pride
We all have the natural inclination or tendency to a certain amount of pride. If everything goes well, we feel self-sufficient. When we receive a blessing, we often think we received it because we deserved it. Society has taught us to cover up the real issue of pride with phrases such as self-confidence and self-image, and many today have been deceived into believing pride is not an issue after all.
Over and over again in the Scriptures, God cautions us about developing a prideful, independent attitude. Read Proverbs 16:18 and 29:23 to discover some results of pride. Other consequences of pride are found in Proverbs 11:2; Jeremiah 49:16; and Deuteronomy 17:12. Are you beginning to grasp God’s viewpoint of pride?
To make sure that we understand the consequences that pride causes in our lives, take a moment to read 2 Samuel 24. What is David’s heart filled with? Even Joab perceives David’s growing pride of accomplishment, which is not in harmony with his profession of humble dependence upon God in Psalm 22. David becomes distracted and chooses to focus on the military strength of his kingdom rather than continuing to maintain simple trust in God.
Another biblical example of pride and the resulting consequences is found in Daniel 4:28-37. Pride turned a boaster into a creeping beast, just as it made an angel into a devil. Pride always leads to disobedience. God abhors haughty attitudes and never fails to bring them down.
Another word for pride is independence, which can silently creep into a Christian’s heart. We delude ourselves into thinking that we do not need God. We mistakenly believe that we can handle things on our own. Satan loves it when we share his viewpoint.
Are you glorying in your accomplishments or talents? Are you proud of your patience, ministry activities, or service for the Lord? Do you feel as if you can handle things on your own? Do you realize that the dictionary states that synonyms for pride are conceit, self-esteem, vanity, arrogance, self-sufficiency, and haughtiness? We would never use any of these words to describe ourselves. Their inference is too ugly.
As we tentatively peal off our masks and reveal our true heart attitudes, most of us are grieved with the pride issues we discover. Please take a moment and read Proverbs 6:16-19 to discover God’s concept of pride. He very clearly states that He __________ it. He does not sugar coat or soften His view of pride. If we forget to live at the foot of the cross in deepest humility of spirit, God will make it a point to remind us. He loves us too much not to.
If a news reporter were to interview our family, friends, neighbors, or fellow church members and ask them to describe us, would they use the word humble?
“… He that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord,” (1 Corinthians 1:31).
I’m praying for you!