It’s Just a Minute…
One minute. Just sixty little seconds and yet they control our lives. While our grandparents counted every penny trying to stretch their money, we scrutinize every second trying to maximize the moment. That’s why we all have cell phones, fax machines, emails, Blackberries, and micro wave ovens!
Trying to juggle our agendas, we race from one appointment to another. We are busy! We have children to raise, meals to prepare, elderly parents to care for, bills to pay, plus run the office. From the moment the alarm clock sounds each morning until we collapse in bed at night, our minds race with schedules and expectations. Our lives are fast paced. It’s not surprising that most of us are tired, on edge, and overwhelmed.
How busy we are has become a status symbol. We judge each other and evaluate our days by how much we can accomplish. “I’m so busy,” has become our battle cry—our red badge of courage. And although we resent the busyness in our lives, we’re not doing anything about it. We need to realize that each day, each hour, each minute comes to us but one. Once it’s gone, it’s gone forever. We cannot buy it back. And I wonder…is what you are living for, worth dying for?
In your office and in your home, the life you live produces the legacy you leave. Memories fade. Material things disintegrate or are sold in garage sales. And markers show the way for others. What kind of markers are you leaving?
Will others remember your integrity, honesty, positive attitude, godly example, and of being a testimony of God’s love? Or will your markers be that you made Top Salesperson for the past six years; received three promotions; were always on time; and always completed your projects? Will the long hours at the office, missed family celebrations, and exhaustion be factored in? You are either living your legacy or loosing it. You’re either throwing away God’s blessings or treasuring them. Will what you’re doing and the way you are spending your time count for eternity?
While the world stresses the importance of achieving more, doing more, and being all you can be, you soon discover you’re caught in a vicious cycle of never-ending activity. Maybe your hectic schedule and intense lifestyle have robbed you of your sense of humor, peace, joy, and satisfaction in life. And the markers you’re probably leaving are memories of a worn-out, overwhelmed, cranky female. Perhaps you need to take a long look at your life and evaluate it from God’s point of view.
Too often we run through the day without pausing to ask God to fill us with His strength and wisdom. In the rush, we’re saying, “I don’t need Your help, God. I can handle this day all by myself.” And we join the rest of society who edits God right out of their lives. And general speaking, God will not compete for our attention.
We must remember what gains and sustains our attention will ultimately change our lives. If our lives revolve around office responsibilities, schedules, and agendas instead of the Lord, we will experience frustration and lack of peace. Busyness is not next to godliness! Choose to make some changes. Projects can wait, reading to your children can’t. Meetings can be rescheduled to allow you to attend your son’s soccer game. Family celebrations are more important than business meetings. Learn to think. “Life is a gift, savor the moment!”
I’m praying for you!