School Already?
The grocery store was packed with mothers and children shopping for school supplies. As skillfully as I could, I navigated through carts overflowing with school supplies and snacks. I noticed how excited the children were and how weary their moms seemed to be. I remember those days….
Three number 2 pencils, one container of glue, one jar of paste, six folders with pockets and brads. Trying to remain calm and in control, I check off items on the school supply lists. Tommy and Suzie (names changed to protect the innocent!) excitedly dash around grabbing everything in sight and immediately deposit them in our basket, which is already overflowing with lunch boxes and back packs.
It’s hard to believe that it’s time for school to begin again. These last few days have been a whirlwind of activities as we try to accomplish everything we didn’t seem to find time to do during the summer. Time flew by and now we’re in a countdown mode. Last minute picnics, boating, and sleepovers along with shopping for school supplies crowd our days and make my head dizzy. I long to slow down and capture every moment. My babies are growing up too quickly. At least I still have one toddler at home. Before I know it, they’ll be grown and away from home. My mind even wonders to college graduations and weddings.
Crash! The metal lunch box falling on the floor jerks my mind back to reality. Oh, Lord, give me the strength to get through these next few days! There’s so much to do and so little time. The children sense my exasperation and fatigue … and it seems to feed their excitement. I need help, Lord. Fill me with Your peace today. May Tommy and Suzie see a Mom who trusts You to be her strength and energy. And fill me with a sense of humor as we prepare to begin the new school year. I want them to remember my laughter and love while they are at school. And Lord, help us to find everything that’s on these lists!
While driving home from our shopping adventure (challenge), I notice that although the children look forward to the first day of school, they seem to be anxious about new class rooms, teachers, and having a friend in their rooms this year. My heart yearns to reassure them and put their minds at peace. As we begin to unpack the car, I pause, gather the children into my arms and pray, “Dear Lord, these precious children that You’ve given to me are getting ready for a new school year. I ask You to be their Guide during the year. Help them to find their new rooms, their desks, the library, the bathrooms, and the cafeteria without any problems.
Help them to keep up with their books and school supplies. May they each have a special friend in their rooms so they won’t feel so alone. May they have friends to sit with at lunch and to play with at recess. May their teachers be exactly the teachers that You intend for them to have. May they be kind and understanding and have the ability to communicate the lessons to the children. May my children respond with respect to their teachers and eagerly set about to do their assignments. Give them a love for learning and show me how to help them.
May they always remember that when they leave my arms each morning, Your arms are still around them for You’ve promised to never leave them. Thank You for loving and protecting them. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
…Oops! Remembering the past had almost caused me to have a head on collision with another cart! I apologized to the mother and children and started to move on down the aisle, but something made me turn and smile at the mom and give her the thumbs up sign! Looking at my ‘food only’ cart, she took the pen from her mouth, set the pencil sharpener in the cart, and smiled back.
“Children are a gift from the LORD; they are a reward from Him.’ Psalm 127: 3.
Edwina Patterson is a speaker and author of several books and Bible studies, including Redeeming the Time – Where Do I Begin? and Children Who Glorify God. She is the founder of Redeeming the Time as well as host of her original devotionals heard daily on the radio. Her greatest joys come from being married for over 50 years, the mother of three grown children, and the grandmother of seven. For more information please check her web site .