Jesus is the Reason
The saying, “Jesus is the Reason for the Season” has been around for a long time. I don’t know who the author of this statement is, but it’s been used in poems, signs, greetings, and in lyrics for songs. I first discovered it in the early 1960’s when the world seemed to be turning the Christmas season into a commercial free-for-all. Store windows were filled with toys, games, and gifts of all kinds taking the place of shepherds and the Nativity Scene. Money and profit seemed to take center stage advertising merchandise that was extravagant and salespeople pushing for bonuses. Peace on earth did not fill the malls or shops.
Some people chose to ignore the sales pitches. Others got caught up in their gift lists and over spent their budget. Somewhere, somehow a group emerged to peacefully protest the commercialization of Christmas. The quote, “Jesus is the Reason for the Season” became a way of hopefully turning society’s view of Christmas back to its original purpose…to herald the coming of God’s Gift of Love and Redemption. I can remember wearing a pin with “Jesus is the Reason for the Season” written in sparkly rhinestones praying that it would remind people of the real reason for the Christmas season.
But the years have passed and the merchandising of Christmas has become such a major thrust that Christmas trees, decorations, toys, gifts, and recipes are displayed and sold in August and September! We’ve become a society blinded by “I want,” and “I deserve…after all I work so hard!”
As I look at my “Jesus is the Reason for the Season” pin tarnished by years of use, I wonder how God must feel as He looks down on His people (yes, those who proclaim Jesus as Savior). How are we celebrating this precious season? Has the Nativity Scene under our Christmas tree slowly been hidden and overshadowed by gifts or a train chugging around the tree? Do shopping, wrapping, baking, and parties monopolize our time and thoughts leaving us overwhelmed and grouchy? How are we different than those who do not believe that Jesus is the Messiah?
And while I’m on my soapbox, think with me for a moment. Are we (followers of Christ) living in a manner that points others to Christ not just as a Baby in a manger, but also to His life, death, and resurrection? If not, why not? Why aren’t we sharing God’s love with others?
Have we become so politically correct and tolerant that we’ve compromised our witness and lowered our standard? May I remind you that God’s Standard is Jesus Christ! God will not lower His Standard…and neither should we! No ‘ifs, buts, maybes’ or excuses.
The way we live is the witness that tells. What is your life saying…to those around you, your family, coworkers, and friends? Can they tell by your words and actions that you’ve surrendered your life to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord? Do they see and hear His love flowing from your life onto others?
I’ve learned in God’s Word and in my daily life that Jesus is not just the Reason for the Season.
Jesus is the Reason…
• That I can have a relationship with God for Jesus paid the price for my sin (John 3:16; 1 John 1:3).
Jesus is the Reason…
• That I can rise above my circumstances (Psalms 34:17).
Jesus is the Reason…
• That I can put my past behind me (2 Cor. 5:17; Phil. 3:3-24).
Jesus is the Reason…
• That I can forgive those who’ve hurt me (Col. 3:13).
Jesus is the Reason…
• That I no longer live in fear (Psalm 27:1,3).
Jesus is the Reason…
• That I can face each new day with hope (Jer. 29:11; 1 Pet. 3:15).
Jesus is the Reason…
• That I do not live in confusion (2 Tim. 1:7).
Jesus is the Reason…
• That I continue to passionately proclaim God’s love (Col. 1:9-11).
Jesus is the Reason…
• That I am never lonely for He promises to never leave nor forsake me (Heb. 13:15).
Jesus is the Reason…
• That I do not fear what man can do to me (Psalm 56:11).
Jesus is the Reason…
• That I have courage to do the seemingly impossible (Deut. 31:6; Phil. 4:13).
Jesus is the Reason…
• That I long to be His servant, an empty puppet for His use. (Rom. 12:1,2; Joshua 22:5).
Jesus is the Reason…
• That I can experience His peace in the middle of a country that has forgotten God (John 14:27).
Jesus is no longer a baby in a manger, nor hanging on a cross. And the tomb is empty. At this moment Jesus is in Heaven making intercession for us.
It is my prayer that you will take a moment right now to examine your heart and see if there are some changes in your life that you need to make.
May you then commit to the Lord that from this day forward no one will have to wonder who Jesus is to you. They will know how much you love Him by your words, actions, and reactions. May Jesus be glorified in your life this Christmas Season and throughout the year.
I’m praying for you.