As I drove along the black, gloomy highway, I realized how difficult it was to see, even with my lights on bright. It was much darker this morning than I had imagined it would be. If I had realized the sun wouldn’t be peeking over the horizon at this time of day, I would have waited awhile before beginning my trip back to Dallas.
The road was not only dark, but it was lonely. Intermittently, I saw other cars. The vulnerability of my situation crept into my mind. Fear darted in and out, but I was determined not to allow it to get the best of me. I turned my praise tape up full blast and drove down the highway singing with the music … and His peace filled my heart.
As the miles clicked away, thoughts of my ailing mother, her care, the ten-hour roundtrip drives to see her, and the insecurity of her situation occupied my thoughts. There was no guarantee of how much longer she would be with us. The disease (PPT) was progressing so quickly. Then the Lord seemed to prick my heart and remind me that none of us are guaranteed tomorrow. The only day we have to make a difference is today. We can focus on the uncertainty of our situations, thus rendering us ineffective in our Christian walk, or we can choose to focus on the One in control of our circumstances.
Too often we allow our problems to overwhelm us and govern our lives. Doubts, insecurity, lack of assurance, uncertainty, and instability cause us to be controlled and manipulated by fear. That’s what we see happening in America today. Fear of terrorists, hijackings, biochemical warfare, and anthrax are slipping into our lives and stealing our joy and peace. We are afraid to get on an airplane and to open our mail!
But believe it or not, God wasn’t surprised by the events on September 11th. He wasn’t caught off guard or unaware. He is still on His throne. He is still in charge. We can rest, knowing that everything that comes into our lives is filtered through His fingers of love.
Our fear and insecurity comes because we are desensitized to His voice. Society presses upon us from all sides. It infiltrates our homes through the television, books, magazines, and telephone conversations. It is the ultimate peer pressure. And we have compromised our witness and standards so we won’t seem different from the world. We have engaged in lifestyles and activities society finds acceptable, but they break God’s heart.
Our problem isn’t so much evil in society as it is our lack of discernment and self-control. We care more about pleasing men than pleasing God. We have played at church, played at prayer, and played at obedience. We have religion, but no relationship!
There is help! Jesus Christ has given us the resources to live above fear, uncertainty, terrorists, and society’s level of degradation. We can be in the world, but not of it. Doubts, fear, worry, and society’s evil influences cannot affect us if we are living in the power of the Holy Spirit under the guidance of the Word of God.
The answer isn’t to run, hide, and drop out of society. The Lord’s call for transformation doesn’t mean withdrawal from the world. We are to live in this world and make a difference. God wants real people living real lives in the midst of daily problems and terrorists attacks, proving to the world His way of life does work.
Now at this time in history we—as believers in Jesus Christ—have the opportunity to go forth and prove to the world Who we believe in and where we place our trust. The life we live is the witness that tells. In the midst of violence, confusion, and fear, we must step out and show the world Who we trust. We must refuse to hide our lights under a bushel … the bushels of greed, “me-first” attitudes, immoral behavior, and complacency of failed marriages. Everyone else is coming out of the closet, it’s high time Christians came out!
Are you willing to resist the seduction of this world? Are you willing to risk going against the tide. Are you willing to let your light shine to all those on the darkened highways of life? Are you willing to stand—even if it means standing alone—like a beacon, a lighthouse, and point others to Him? It won’t be easy, but do you know anything worthwhile that is?
Our ministry is determined to persevere … when we’re tired, when we don’t see the end, and when we don’t know what’s going to happen next. We are determined to step-by-step, one individual at a time, continue sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Will you join us?
I’m praying for you,