I watched her sitting among her friends. Her face radiated her contentment and peace. Between opening gifts, she would occasionally, subconsciously touch her tummy. Yes, the baby she yearned for and had prayed for such a long time was moving…all was well.
My mind drifted to another young woman who probably also sought confirmation of her unborn Baby’s health. I imagine her face glowed with peace and joy. She knew the Baby she carried had been prayed for and about for many years. Although she didn’t understand what was happening inside her body, she trusted Jehovah God to knit her Baby together and use God’s right hand to protect her and the Baby (Ps. 139).
Two women awaiting the birth of their babies. One in a comfortable, air-conditioned room, spotlessly clean, and surrounded by friends and family. The other in a smelly stable surrounded by animals! One woman sitting in a comfortable chair. The other woman, worn out from the trip, was grateful to finally get off the donkey and rest in the hay. One woman was receiving gifts. The other woman was carrying the Gift. One woman laughed and told stories about her childhood. The other woman pondered in her heart about the life her Child would experience.
One woman was encouraged by her friends and family. The other woman had no friends or family to comfort her… only her husband. But God in His wisdom and plan, sent Shepherds to surround her and share the message of the angels singing and telling them to follow the special Star to find a Baby. This Baby would not have a heirloom cradle passed down to Him, nor would He have a brand new one. A animal trough filled with hay was this Baby’s bed. This Baby was not to be called Thomas, James, Michael, or Martin. He was to be named Jesus, Savior, Christ the Lord.
In awe, the shepherds worshiped the Baby the mother held in her arms. I imagine—like every new mother—Mary beamed with joy!
As I watched my friend, my mind wondered to how interesting it is to know that my friend’s baby could have the opportunity someday to kneel before Mary’s Baby and worship Jesus the Savior. In fact, we all could…if we know Jesus as our personal Savior! What a day that will be!
But because our world is whirling out of control; because we’ve become complacent and tolerant allowing sinful ways to be accepted in our lives; because we don’t even recognize what sin is anymore; because lying has become the ‘new norm;’ because we’ve made idols of people, cars, homes, jobs, social media; and because we make excuses and refuse to repent, we desperately need to revive our love and devotion to that precious Baby in the manger, the Lord God Almighty!
We need to develop an unshakable, solid, stable foundation that doesn’t easily waver from moment to moment rendering us ineffective witnesses for Jesus Christ.
Choose today to lovingly serve the Lord. Rearrange your schedule. Seeks God’s agenda and plans for the day. Determine to point others to the Baby in the manger who grew up to be the Savior of mankind. Gather your family and friends together and share the wonder of Christ’s birth, and also of His life. Use His examples and principles in your home and family. Always take a moment to bow before the One who paid the ransom for our sin…and teach your family these Truths.
Build a Stable Foundation!
I’m praying for you!