Mother’s Day Prayer
Books, correspondence, and my calendar cluttered my desk. Try as I might, things were slowly getting out of control. Knowing and practicing the principles of The Balanced Life, I spent the morning going over my schedules for the next three months. As I looked at May, I was surprised that Mother’s Day was just a few days away.
At that moment, memories of previous Mother’s Day flooded my mind. To be honest, I don’t remember celebrating Mother’s Day as a child. I picked up the phone and called my sister and asked her if she could remember celebrating Mother’s Day when we were children. She thought and thought. Nothing came to either of our minds. It saddened us, but considering our circumstances as children, it’s really not a surprise. As we reminisced, we remembered Daddy sometimes brought Mother a corsage on Mother’s Day.
Our childhood was filled with sorrow, but that’s in the past. Knowing there is no way to correct our childhood, my brother, sister and I have chosen to focus on what we can change, namely ourselves. None of us are perfect. We know we are a work in progress.
As I continued to think about Mother’s Day, God placed in my mind that all three of us children, after we had homes of our own, honored our Mother while she was alive. I remember a book that I once gave her. I put aside my calendar and went to see if I could find it.
It’s a small book titled, Mothers are Very Special People. Finding it, I flipped through the pages reading the short stories and poems. And God transitioned my thought from my childhood to the time when I became a mother. Not having had a role model, I made some mistakes. All the emotions, joys, pain, trying so hard to lovingly teach our children about God, struggling to understand what and how the Lord wanted me to rear these precious gifts sometimes overwhelmed me.
Then I remembered a prayer I wrote once…a long time ago. As I read it, I prayed that I had accomplished these requests, and that’s my prayer for you.
O Lord, the Mother’s Day cards and sticky kisses are warm expressions of love that I shall treasure always. They make me even more determined to be a better mom. But as much as I try, I can’t seem to get it all done. It’s been a busy day, as are all of our days. Stories are left unread, and prayers are left unsaid as we juggle our daily schedules. The toys strewn over the house, the laundry waiting to be folded, the bathrooms screaming to be cleaned, and the bills to be paid gnaw at the corners of my mind.
As I check on my children sleeping peacefully in their beds, their innocence, vulnerability, and dependence upon me almost overwhelm me. I need Your strength and wisdom, Lord.
I want to be a mother who is never too busy to work puzzles, throw rocks in the creek, and splash in the puddles with them. O Lord, remind me of my priorities. May I choose the love and admiration of my children over the acclaim of the world.
Be my energy when I’m tired and fill me with a sense of humor. I want my little ones to remember my laughter, praise, and prayer. May they rest peacefully each night knowing that I love them and You love them, too! In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Have I changed? Absolutely! Am I there yet? Not yet, I am focused on my Savior and following close behind Him. I hope you’ve made that choice and are walking beside me.
May this be a blessed Mother’s Day…full many treasured memories.
I’m praying for you!